Thursday, April 5, 2012

Menu - Week 2/4/2012

Here is this week's menu. Late I know.  Been ill for the better part of the week so blogging took a back seat!

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - hot dogs
Dinner - roast chicken and vegetables - broccoli, zucchini, carrots, sweet potato, onion and potato
Dessert - fruit yoghurt

Breakfast - hot cross buns
Lunch - out
Dinner - chicken ceaser salad
Dessert - pear galette

Breakfast - toast and spreads
Lunch - mixed vegetable soup
Dinner - oven baked fish, chips and salad
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - mixed vegetable soup
Dinner - Pasta and meatballs
Dessert - sweets

Breakfast - hot cross buns
Lunch - mixed vegetable soup
Dinner - fish and vegetables
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - out
Lunch - out
Dinner - soy and sweet chilli pork balls with rice and stirfry vegetables - broccoli, carrots, capsicum, spring onions, beans
Dessert - icecream

Breakfast - pancakes and easter eggs
Lunch - bacon and avocado toasted sandwiches
Dinner - roast pork and vegetables - potato, pumpkin, onion, sweet potato, beans, carrots
Dessert - easter eggs

I have already started posting recipes in a file on the side bar and will continue to do so over the coming weeks til caught up to the present.  Hope you have a happy and peaceful Easter and if on the roads - a safe one.

Eat well, Live well!

Monday, March 26, 2012


I am going to start posting the recipes I use each week.  I will post them in a separate section in categories so they will be easy to find.

Eat well, Live well!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Menu - Week 26/3/2012

An update on last week's menu - we ended up ditching the roast lamb and having a saffron and lemon chicken risotto instead.  I was not well and not up to the whole palaver of a roast.  There was enough left over for my daughter to take to school for her lunch.

On to this week's menu.

Breakfast - Toast and cereal
Lunch - pumpkin soup
Dinner - middle eastern lamb pizzas
Dessert - fruit yoghurt

Breakfast -fruit salad
Lunch - left overs
Dinner - pork sausages and vegetables
Dessert - choc chip cookies

Breakfast - toast and cheese melts
Lunch - out
Dinner - butter chicken, rice and pappadums
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - cereal
Lunch - cheese and tomato melts
Dinner - soy and sweet chilli pork balls, stir fry veg and noodles
Dessert - fruit yoghurt

Breakfast - egg and toast soldiers
Lunch - out
Dinner - steak and salad
Dessert - baked apples

Breakfast - out
Lunch - out
Dinner - grilled fish and salad
Dessert - icecream

Sunday :
Breakfast - hot cross buns
Lunch - bacon and cheese rolls
Dinner - roast chicken and vegetables
Dessert - apple and pear crumble with custard

Planting some more herbs this weekend to replace the ones the possums ate.  I will have a herb garden!! Used some of my chives in last night's risotto - hugely satisfying!

This week's budget was $80 and included things like toilet paper.  I have managed not to exceed it but next week I have to buy washing powder so that will be a stretch to keep to $80.

Eat well, Live well!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Menu - Week 19/3/2012

OMG - I am on time!  No, the sky is not falling in  - but yes, I am trying to be more organised.  Wrote myself a "to do" list last night and am achieving success ticking it off.

Breakfast - Banana bread
Lunch - chicken and avocado toasted sandwich
Dinner - lamb korma, tumeric and almond rice, spicy beans
Dessert - watermelon

Tuesday :
Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - left over curry
Dinner - chicken ceaser salad (using leftover chicken from Sunday night)
Dessert - icecream

Breakfast - banana bread
Lunch - vegetable soup
Dinner - cantonese chicken stir fry with vegetables and rice noodles
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - pumpkin and sweet potato soup
Dinner - beef rissoles, vegetables, chilli and tomato salsa
Dessert - pear galette

Breakfast - boiled egg and toast soldiers
Lunch - toasted rissole and salsa sandwich
Dinner - pork chops, apple salsa and salad
Dessert - brownies

Saturday :
Breakfast - banana bread
Lunch - sushi
Dinner - out
Dessert - out

Breakfast - croissants and jam
Lunch - vegetable and bacon frittata
Dinner - roast lamb and vegetables
Dessert - apple crumble and custard

The banana bread for breakfasts during the week I am making tonight with our left over bananas from the week.  There are enough to also make some banana muffins which I will freeze. The only purchased meals of the week are Saturday -  lunch (sushi - my treat for doing the shopping!) and the evening meal which will be fast food as we will be at a sporting event.  Our budget this week was $120 and we did not exceed it (so far!).  Hopefully there will not be any unforeseen food or household crises.

Last Saturday night my daughter decided to make a dessert not on the list.  She made a 'make your own flavour' jelly mix.  She chose Fanta soft drink as her flavouring and it turned out really well.  She also made some little pots of jelly to take to school for snacks - 76c for 6 pots as opposed to nearly a dollar for one pot in the supermarket. Hopefully that's a budgeting lesson she has learnt well.

Hope your week goes well.

Eat well, Live well!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Menu - Week 12/3/2012

I'm late, I'm late!!!  Very hectic week this week so I have been cooking but not posting - SORRY (grovel grovel!)

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - scrambled eggs on toast
Dinner - spaghetti bolognese and salad
Dessert - ice creams from the shop

Breakfast - toast
Lunch - spaghetti meat jaffles
Dinner - pizza and garlic bread
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - sandwiches
Dinner - tacos and salad
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - Toast and boiled egg
Lunch - taco meat jaffles
Dinner - middle eastern lamb kebabs and rice
Dessert - grown up chocolate crackles

Breakfast - yoghurt
Lunch - sandwiches
Dinner - sausages and vegetables with salsa
Dessert - apple turnover

Breakfast - banana bread
Lunch - sushi
Dinner - steak and salad
Dessert - poached pears

Breakfast - waffles and maple syrup
Lunch - hot dogs
Dinner - roast chicken and vegetables
Dessert - apple pie and cream

Hope you have had a healthy week and managed to stay within your budget.  Mine for last week was $80 but we went a little over because of some household products that we needed.  Hopefully this week will be better.  Swings and round-a-bouts!!

Eat well, Live well!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Menu update

Last night's dessert was a total suprise.  I had planned yoghurt but my daughter made chocolate fondant stars as a surprise.  Very yummy. Both children are good in the kitchen - I just have to work out a way to get them in there on a regular night so I can have a night off.  Being a single parent means so little time off that you treasure it when you can get it.  Not complaining though.  My marriage may not have lasted but it produced two wonderful amazing young people so it was not a total disaster!!  It's a cold and rainy day here so tonight's comfort food of spaghetti bolognese is just right!  Have a good day.

Eat well, Live well!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Menu - Week 5/3/2012

Hello for another week.  Due to busy social lives Sunday night's dinner from last week was postponed until Monday night this week.  So here goes this week's menu:

Breakfast - banana and blueberry bread
Lunch - boiled eggs and toast soldiers
Dinner - Tacos and salad
Dessert - fruit salad

Breakfast - fruit salad and yoghurt
Lunch - banana on toast
Dinner - chicken and vegetable stirfry
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - toast and scrambled eggs
Lunch - minestrone soup
Dinner - soy and sweet chilli pork balls, rice and broccoli
Dessert - yoghurt

Breakfast - cereal and fruit
Lunch - out
Dinner - spaghetti bolognese and salad
Dessert - melon

Breakfast - blueberry muffins
Lunch - cream of vegetable soup
Dinner - bacon and vegetable rissotto with salad
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - out
Lunch - out
Dinner - sausages, chips and salad
Dessert - nil

Breakfast - croissants
Lunch - out
Dinner - lamb korma, tumeric and almond rice, spicy beans and pappadums
Dessert - icecream

All the soups are homemade and so are our chips.  I make as much as possible from scratch - 1. it's cheaper and 2. you know what's in it!!  When the weather cools down I will go back to making a loaf of bread every couple of days - it's a treat that the kids really enjoy.

Eat well, Live well!
Cheers susie